Tuesday, October 12, 2010

On Growing Young

They say that little children eventually outgrow their appetite for petty and silly things like cartoons and the playground. They say that as we become adults, we become more cerebral in our thinking processes and with regards to the things that we become interested in. They say that one of the major differences between an adult and a child is that a child knows how to appreciate little things that an adult will regard as nonsense.

Well, if these things may be true, then I refuse to grow old. I refuse to narrow down my perspective on the things that really matter, because sometimes, small things can be the most important things in our lives. I refuse to be sucked up in the vacuum of dull and boring days when I can keep on becoming curious like how a child is who's always wanting for fun and adventure. Most importantly, I refuse to give up my sincere liking for cartoons and animated shows. Haha! I kid on the 'most important' part.

Thankfully, I've resolved to grow young despite the difficulties and challenges of the adult life. Years may be added unto me but my heart will always want to stay like that of a child. And hopefully I could continue learning from the youngsters how I'd be able to live life in awestruck wonder of the grandiosity God has given it. I remember what Jesus has said in the Bible, that "if we do not become like little children, we will never enter the kingdom of heaven." And I wholeheartedly believe, he's right.

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